Have you considered a business trust structure?
Choosing your business structure is one of the most important decisions you’ll ever make as a business owner so let’s do it the right way.
Until 30 June 2020, we’re offering
our Trust Setup Package for only $550*.REACH OUT to arrange a consultation.
*Service valued at $1100. Conditions apply (below).
What you need to know about trusts: Trusts can offer more protection. For example, unlike sole traders or partnerships, a trust can continue to exist even if the person running it passes. It can also protect your personal possessions from being used to pay debts. Certain trusts can also allow flexibility in where, and how much of, the trust’s income is distributed to; allowing for some effective tax planning.
If you need advice or help with your decision about your business structure, reach out to arrange a consultation.
Trust Setup Package conditions –
Setup of discretionary or unit trust (individual trustee)
Setup Meeting, application for ABN, TFN and/or GST
If you need a company as the trustee there will be an additional charge.
Other additional charges to consider:
Bookkeeping work to create their accounting program file.
Assistance with training