There is strength in numbers

We understand it has been a difficult couple of weeks but as your trusted advisor, we are here to partner with you and help you navigate these times.

This week there was more good news from the Government with the JobKeeper legislation being passed. Like all good things though, there are a number of elements that need to be carefully considered.

The even better news is that the MJM team has spent many hours getting their heads around the new legislation, stimulus packages and key dates so you don't have to. What's more, we can quickly work out what you're entitled to and ensure you won't end up in a position having to repay the ATO.  

To make things easier for you we have compiled some checklists.  

JobKeeper checklist

Business owner checklist

Business checklist

If you can't confidently complete all of these tasks by yourself, please email us at as soon as possible.

Here's a quick recap of what the JobKeeper Payment is offering:

  • Businesses affected by COVID-19 can receive $1,500 per employee, per fortnight

  • The businesses must pass the payment on to their staff

  • The wage subsidy package is budgeted for six months

  • Employees can only get the JobKeeper Payment from one employer

It's important to act fast as key dates are coming up:

Monday 20th April 2020 is the first day we can enrol you in the program

Monday 4th May 2020 is the date we can apply for your first payment

The Government has also released two stimulus packages to support the economy during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The stimulus measures proposed have also been legislated and are expected to reach eligible wallets on 27 April.

Will the Stimulus save the day? Read more on our blog.

What are you waiting for?

Get started on the JobKeeper, Business Owner and Business checklists and execute as much as you can to ensure your business is prepared.

We are being inundated with phone calls at this time and an email will be the quickest way for us to track your enquiry.

Don’t forget to connect with us on Facebook to stay up to date with the best way to navigate COVID-19 from a financial perspective.

Remember, our team is here to help. 

Additional sources:

Income Support for Individuals

Income Support for Households