As you may be aware, Business Queensland is offering COVID-19 Business Support Grants for eligible sole traders, businesses and not-for-profits impacted by recent lockdowns and border closures.
To be eligible for this grant, you must meet the following criteria as of 30 June 2021:
have an Australian business number (ABN)
be registered for goods and services tax (GST)
have a Queensland headquarters
demonstrate the business or not for profit organisation was directly or indirectly impacted by a lockdown event
Funding amounts will be based on the payroll size of eligible businesses and not-for-profits:
$1,000 – non-employing sole traders based in QLD
$10,000 – employing QLD small businesses and not-for-profits with payroll less than $1.3 million
$15,000 – employing QLD medium-sized businesses and not-for-profits with payroll between $1.3 million and $10 million
$30,000 – employing QLD large-sized tourism and hospitality focused businesses and not-for-profits with payroll more than $10 million
Applications will close on:
16 November 2021 for employing businesses
30 November 2021 for non-employing sole traders
If this is something that you think would be of benefit to your business please get in contact with us as soon as possible.
Give us a call on 07 5500 0898 or email
Source: Business Queensland