When did you last update your business details?

If your ABN details are out of date, you risk missing out on important assistance, updates or opportunities such as financial grants.

You have a responsibility to keep your ABN details up to date. You must:

• update any information within 28 days of becoming aware of any changes to your ABN details.

• cancel your Australian business number (ABN) if your business has sold, closed down, or stopped operating.

• understand the impact changing your business structure will have on your business and clients.You may need to cancel your Australian business number (ABN) and apply for a new one

Keep your details in order ensure:

• the right people have the right permissions to act on behalf of a business.

• you’re ready for new government services when they become available.

For more information on how to update your ABN details, visit the ATO website here or speak to us.

Give us a call on 07 5500 0898 or email info@mjmaccountants.com.au.

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